Now Recruiting!
Serving Bartlett Woods as a Member of the Board of Directors
For 26 years, Bartlett Woods has operated as one of the only not-for-profit, 501c3 retirement apartment communities in the Midcoast region of Maine. Just 58 units, we are smaller than many of our neighbors, yet offer many lifestyle pleasures, programs, and peace-of-mind support services that have inspired our community to Believe in Bartlett.
Bartlett Woods is governed by a Board of Directors and administered by an Executive Director who supervises a dedicated and long-serving staff. Our organization’s mission is to provide exceptional housing, high quality assisted living services, timely access to appropriate health care and a variety of opportunities to enhance socialization for adults age 55 and older who desire such services within a welcoming, peaceful, and accommodating living environment.
Today, we are calling on our community members to consider being of service to our beloved organization as a new member of the Board. Are you ready to join a vibrant and well-respected organization looking for creative, passionate, diverse and engaged advocates?
If you choose to apply, please know that membership on our Board includes the following commitments:
- Abide by the bylaws of the organization;
- Make an annual financial contribution that represents my highest possible level of commitment to the organization, in addition to my participation in fundraising events;
- Attend all meetings of the Board, including special meetings, unless excused;
- Avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict;
- Participate in short- and long-range planning activities;
- Ensure effective fiscal controls and accountability;
- Work with staff and the finance committee to determine the annual budget;
- Ensure Bartlett Woods meets all legal and corporate requirements;
- Introduce at least two new friends to the organization each year;
- Cultivate and recommend at least one applicant for membership to the board of directors each year;
- Visit Bartlett facilities at least once per year;
- Propose and help arrange at least one speaking engagement for Bartlett each year;
- Serve on at least one committee or task force each year; and
- Chair or co-chair at least one fundraising effort each
If this sounds attractive to you, and you would like to learn more about our recruitment goals and process, please reach out to Executive Director Kelly Osborn at 207-593-1259 or at