The average American man outlives his ability to drive by six years; the average American woman, by 10 years.
(Consumer Reports, by Michael Tortorello, June 01, 2017)
Our aging residents need to know they can reliably travel to see their doctor, have tests performed, or receive life-enhancing therapy. Can you help give them that peace of mind?
As a not-for-profit organization, one of the many services Bartlett Woods provides is one of the most important: transportation to doctors’ offices and hospitals. In the past, contracted vendors have driven residents, often several times daily. Today, most of our approximately 50 residents – with an average age of 88 – increasingly need more rides.
With your financial help, I believe we have a solution. It is the Bartlett Woods Medical Transport, a new vehicle driven by our own Transportation Coordinator. Please join Bartlett Woods as a fundraising partner in the new campaign we call “BWDrivesU.” The goal is to raise $30,000 this fall to purchase a new vehicle from a local auto dealership. The vehicle will accommodate several residents at a time, including their mobility equipment. It will offer easy entry and exit, and include safety features like seat belts and handholds.
The great news is . . . we are so close to our goal! “To date, through the generosity of our residents, Board and Staff, community groups, and vendors we support, we have currently raised $19,222,” says Mary Eads, Executive Director of Bartlett Woods. Once we have completed the campaign, we will issue a public thank you to all those who will have made this project a success.
Think about it for just a moment — your mother or father, an 85 year-old person just getting out of a cardiology appointment, exhausted from the ordeal. The new Bartlett Woods Medical Transport is right outside waiting for them, rather than vice versa. The driver is poised to provide a short and smooth ride back home, where your parent can relax and recover from a stressful day. That’s peace of mind for all.
Can we count on you today? Please call or write to me at 207-594-1163 or
Thank you!
Mary Eads
Executive Director
Bartlett Woods