January always looks like a blank page to me. That blank page is the first chapter in a 12 chapter book called 2022. Make 2022 a best seller!
Each day of the month represents a page within that chapter. January 1st is page one of chapter one of 2022. How do you want your story to start? Where do you want your story to go? Your book can be whatever you want it to be, it can be funny, it can be an adventure, it can be a romance, and it can even be a drama. Whatever you chose, make it the best it can possibly be!
Start your book, start your year. Fill your book with music, great food, and fun with friends and time with family.
Bartlett Woods is starting our 1st chapter of 2022 with some fun!
This month we will be trying a new game, “Life sized Tic-Tac-Toe”. This is not only challenging the brain, but it has us up and moving. It’s really simple, yet lots of fun. Basically, we set up 9 chairs in the format of a tic-tac-toe grid. We have 5 balloons for each player. One color represents X and one color represents O. Each player must walk to the chair they wish to place either their X or O on. We have already tried it out and it was a hit! I can see this game gaining in popularity here.
Also this month we will have fun celebrating Elvis Presley’s birthday with a little bit of “Elvis Trivia” and, of course, an Elvis movie. We will also celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday with trivia and a documentary.
National Flower Day will be another page in our 1st chapter. We will, of course, do flower arrangements, but we will add in some fun “flower games” as well.
January can be a long month. Therefore we decided to bring in something everyone can get excited about. We are having a Winter Carnival!!! Complete with an S’mores bar, a hot chocolate bar, carnival games, prizes, and a photo booth and there will be lots of fun for all!
Thankfully, in these challenging times we have technology to help us out. Zoom has become a permanent fixture in our vocabulary. For Example, The Belfast Free library and the Camden Conference are hosting a Zoom event with a local couple from Belfast, entitled “The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall,” it’s the story of how Dick and Maryann Topping were living in Berlin when the wall went up. Their story is a firsthand account of how life was during that difficult time. We will be attending the conference from the comfort of our own media room.
Zoom has also allowed us to continue with our exercise classes with no chance of exposure to Covid. We are so thankful to our local YMCA and the work they are doing to keep us moving!
Our first chapter of 2022 is looking pretty exciting! We will have music, great food, adventures (via Zoom), games, laughter and most of all, fun!
What will your first chapter look like?
Come back next month for a preview of chapter 2.
Karen Tooley/Activities Director